
Start Menu or Windows Search not work – Win10/11

Install AppxPackage

  • Open an admin command prompt
  • Delete the corrupt StateRepository Database files
    • cd \ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\AppRepository
    • dir StateRespository-*
    • takeown /A /F StateRepository-*
    • icacls StateRepository-* /grant Administrators:F
    • del StateRepository-*
  • Restart the “StateRepository” service
    • If it won’t let you kill a service other services depend on, kill its process
  • Verify that the database has been recreated, bringing back smaller versions of the files you deleted
    • dir StateRespository-*
  • Verify that Appx cmdlets work
    • From Powershell:
      • Get-AppxPackage
      • Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers

Open PowerShell run below command

AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}

Then reboot Computer.